Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I realized I haven't updated the blog in a really long time. We now currently live in California where we bought a house. James is living in Colorado where he is stationed because he deploys in July to Afghanistan(subject to change whenever the army decides) he will be there a year. He will get a month vacation before he leaves and I cant be happier. Ian and I are driving to Colorado in a few days for a week or so to visit.
As for life in California it's different then I imagined I love being neat family but I miss my husband. He is my other half and it's weird to know that he is leaving out of the country. Ian and I are going to miss him so much.
Ian is going to be four in August and I am so excited I cant believe how big he is. I think I need to start looking for a preschool for him.
That is the latest on The Smith Family.